(12/2020) It’s hard to believe that the year is almost over. Most people will be happy to see the end of 2020. It has been a difficult year. But we should not lose sight of the many positive things that happened in Frederick County over the past 12 months. Food distributions to students and seniors, dedicated health care workers, and innovative ways to support local business – we are truly blessed to live in such a caring community!
If you want to be inspired by our community’s resilience and resolve, I encourage you to watch my annual State of the County address, which I presented last month. The video takes viewers on a journey filled with HOPE. HOPE stands for Health, Opportunity, Prosperity and Equity. We can focus on our bright future because Frederick County delivers on HOPE.
We have been able to make life better for people thanks to help from the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund. Frederick County received $45 million, which we invested back into our community. The funds helped to pay for a long list of needs created by the pandemic: personal protective gear for Frederick Health Hospital, nursing homes, and our emergency responders; COVID-19 testing clinics; food for our food banks and our vulnerable children and seniors; assistance to businesses, renters, and legal aid; and technology for our public schools. We also helped our volunteer
fire and rescue companies, who have been on the frontlines alongside career staff. Frederick County also set aside $5 million for our municipalities, which did not receive any direct aid from the federal government. A full list of how the funds were used can be found on the County’s website, at FrederickCountyMD.gov/coronavirus.
You can see how we put the funding to work by watching the State of the County video. There is a link on the County’s website (FrederickCountyMD.gov), or watch it on my Facebook page or the County’s YouTube channel.
Coronavirus update
This summer, Frederick County residents did an amazing job to flatten the curve of new coronavirus cases. Sadly, we are seeing a second wave now that cooler temperatures are forcing people inside. The pace of new cases has quickened in recent weeks. In the week before Thanksgiving, there were twice as many cases than we saw during our worst week last spring.
By the time you read this, Frederick County will have exceeded 7,000 cases. As I write this, there are more than 30 Covid cases at Frederick Health Hospital. Hospitals in Western Maryland are full already. Dozens of other hospitals in the state are nearing their capacity.
I know we are all tired of staying home. Holidays feel different when we can’t visit our extended family. But now more than ever, we must all do our part. We can’t afford to be complacent.
Wear a face covering. Wash your hands. Stay 6 feet from others when you must go out of your house. Avoid crowds. These simple steps will save lives.

Christmas and Hanukkah are right around the corner. Family rides to see light displays are a great way to safely get into the spirit of the season. Emmitsburg will be lighting the town’s tree soon. Bring your children to see the lights any time after December 7th. In Thurmont, the Town Hall is a collection site for a new toy drive. Don’t forget that the deadline to request a letter from Santa through Frederick County Parks and Recreation is December 4th. Find out more at Recreater.com. If you are looking for activities for the family, check out the Frederick County
Public Library online options. There are how-to sessions on baking gingerbread, making cinnamon ornaments, and creating winter cocktails. Learn how to make ornaments from paint chips or pony beads. Teens can log in for game nights or take a do-it-yourself course in origami snowmen. Details on all these activities can be found at FCPL.org.
I wish you and your family a healthy, happy holiday season!