(9/2014) This year's race for District 4 State Senate boils down to a single question:
As a voter, do you want a Senator who has lived in the County since 1971 (Dan Rupli), who has a place at the political table in Annapolis, who can represent the things you care about, and get Frederick County its fair share of the State budget to meet the needs of our schools, road and transportation systems, and necessary first responder equipment? Or do
you want a Senator (Michael Hough) who has not lived in the County for very long, is committed to "raising hell in Annapolis", who doesn't have the votes to pass legislation to help our District, who cannot block legislation that would harm our District, and who works full time for an organization (ALEC) of rich out of state corporations and fat cats who want to run our State to
serve their selfish corporate interests, and not our own?
I think that the question answers itself. My priorities in running for the Senate are very clear:
- I want to do all that I can to protect our green and beautiful County from the wrong kind of development, and to preserve our rich agricultural economy and "family farm" traditions.
- I want to invest in our County's future by providing the very best education opportunities to our kids. That means full funding for pre-Kindergarten programs, and the adoption of the Tennessee Promise here in Maryland. This is a program passed in Tennessee by Governor Haslam (Republican) which guarantees the first two years of trade school and State
college or community college at State expense, to be funded by the State Lottery.
- I want to use existing public school facilities, or volunteered church space for both day and evening college courses in the Northern end of our County by establishing an "annex" to Frederick Community College.
- I would work to address the growing problem of drug addiction in our Northern County with expanding facilities for drug education, drug intervention, and drug treatment programs.
- I will do all that I can to bring new employment opportunities to our District, relying on my experience as a Maryland Trade Representative to China. I remain committed to a "Buy American First" economic agenda, but believe that we should aggressively seek to sell our goods and services to an expanding Asian market, while significantly reducing Asian
Our future in District 4 can be very bright with the right kind of County government, and an effective, practical, and independent State Senator representing your interests in Annapolis. I hope that you will provide me the opportunity to serve you in that capacity.

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