In defense of Senator Brinkley
Martin Burns
Thurmont Town Commissioner

Photo by Garth Pheobus |
Well politics sure is interesting. Current Delegate Michael Hough has been campaigning in our area and was poised to run for the House of Delegates representing Thurmont, or so we thought. His current district was re-drawn moving him from serving in District 3B to now serving district 4. All of
a sudden he has decided to change his plans and run for Senator David Brinkley’s Senate seat.
I think that will prove to be a serious miscalculation on his part. Senator Brinkley has served us extremely well in Annapolis. He and his staff have always supported Thurmont and Northern Frederick County, and he has personally assisted me when I served as Mayor of Thurmont for the last 12 years. He personally used his position to get a special meeting with the Secretary of
the Maryland Department of the Environment a few years ago when the town needed assistance, and at my request got a legal issue reviewed by the Attorney General’s office.
He’s the Minority Leader of the Maryland State Senate. Hardly the time to change direction for someone new. Being Minority leader is an extremely powerful position that provides him the opportunity to use that position to help everyone in Frederick County, not just Thurmont.
In today’s political climate where most everyone hates the dysfunction between Democrats & Republicans at the federal level, Senator Brinkley is the kind of Republican who can fight hard for the conservative values many of us believe in but does so in a way that doesn’t cause him to lose respect of the on the other side of the argument. That type of governing is what’s needed
when serving in a heavily Democrat led State government.
I’m personally sick and tired of the type of politician who attacks another politician in their own party because he/she dares to vote for anything other than the typical party position. Do you want a politician who represents the "party" or do you want a politician who supports you. They’re not always the same.
Do I agree with everything David has voted for, of course not! I’m sure if David would see my voting record he wouldn’t agree with everything I’ve voted for, but we need to choose our battles in Annapolis carefully and I think Senator Brinkley has done a great job. The members of the Senate Republicans chose Senator Brinkley to lead the Republican party in Annapolis. That
speaks volumes. So it looks like we’re going to see an attack campaign that would try to convince everyone how bad David is.
Please don’t fall for it.
But hey don’t take my word for it either. Pick up the phone and call David. He can explain in great detail his voting record and why he supported and didn’t support certain issues. We need to forgo the "party or else" mentality. Senator Brinkley is extremely talented in his knowledge and has an unbelievable ability to convey his message. Vote wisely Northern Frederick County.
Read other articles related to 2014 Frederick primary races