The Maryland Primary is set for April 26. It is, unfortunately, not on many people’s radar screens. It should be. For the first time in a very, very long time, northern Frederick County is in the position to decide who will represent us in Congress, something that has not occurred for a very, very, very long time.
Let’s be clear—the redistricting of Congressional District 8 in 2012 was designed to ensure that a Democrat will always win the seat. 75% of the voters in the district live in lower Montgomery County, which makes up less then 20% of the geographical area of the District. The other 80% of the district land mass is made up on
central Carroll and northern Frederick County. We are only connected to the lower portion of the district by a long narrow span of land just outside Olney.
That’s the bad news.
The good news is that we have the opportunity to elect a new representative. However, we need to make sure that the person we elect will be someone who truly cares about northern Frederick County.
There are 9 candidates battling for the Democratic votes, 5 running for the Republican nod.
For the Republicans, the choice is a no brainer – Dan Cox. Born and raised just outside of Emmitsburg, he will do us well. To be honest, I can’t tell you who his competition is – as the other four have never bothered to even return a phone call or e-mail, which speaks volumes about them. Given that a majority of the Republicans in
the district live in northern Frederick County, a vote for Dan will ensure he is one of the finalists in the general election.
On the Democratic side, “7” of the 9 running seem to have no idea that the District went further then the Montgomery County line. At a recent Democratic forum in Thurmont, all but two clearly looked uncomfortable in “Fredneck”, as one of the “7” described the area. The two exceptions were David Trone and David Anderson. I like
both of these men, and wish I could vote for both, but the reality is we can only vote for one – and for my money, David Trone is the better choice.
Now let’s talk strategy on how northern Frederick county can impact the election outcome for the better. The other “7” candidates are all focusing exclusively on Montgomery County. Given that David Trone is also competitive in Montgomery, there is a good chance the vote there will be split equally. The election will then be
decided by who wins the majority of votes in northern Frederick and Carroll Counties.
Born and raised on a farm just north of the border, in Adams County, David clearly understands and appreciates the needs and priorities of the residents in the northern portion of the district, especially farmers. Protecting the environment and nature, job security, education, helping small businesses, Social Security and
Medicare, and resolving once and for all the nightmare called I-270; he gets it! He has also pledged to have an office in Frederick and Carroll Counties, because he wants to serve the entire district, not just Montgomery County.
The biggest complaint made about David, a successful businessman, is that he is funding his own campaign! In other words, David will not be beholden to special interest groups – instead, he will always put the needs of the people in the district first and foremost – be they Democrats or Republicans. He will represent us all. For
me, that’s a refreshing thought in an era where politicians seem to go out of the way to vilify those in the other party.
So the Democrats in the northern part of Frederick county have a choice: vote for a candidate who will forget them the minute they get elected – or vote for a candidate they will see and hear from over and over again. If you are looking for a candidate who not only embraces your values, but lives them – we encourage you to cast
your vote for David Trone.
To learn more about David visit his campaign website at www.davidtrone.com