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Carroll Valley Hopes Citizens
 Remove Holding Tanks

(1/27) Carroll Valley residents who have holding tanks on their property are likely to soon shell out more money to have them emptied.

The borough council unanimously approved a request for bids for a holding tank waste hauler during its January meeting. Borough Manager Dave Hazlett said the request was necessitated by an attorney pointing out that the borough never previously advertised the service for competitive bids.

Hazlett said about 90-100 Carroll Valley properties have holding tanks, which collect anything that goes down a drain or toilet. Residents must have their holding tank pumped every two weeks at a cost of about $55 to $75 per pump. The borough’s requirement for biweekly collection is based on a recommendation from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Residents who have holding tanks must have them pumped biweekly, regardless of whether they are using the home.

Hazlett suspects the mandated bid will result in increased fees, which are paid for entirely by the homeowner. An alternative, Hazlett said, is to remove holding tanks.

"We are prepared to help holding tank customers explore the options available to them," he said.

Hazlett said holding tanks began to appear in Carroll Valley in the 1990s when the borough council pushed for more home construction. Some of these homes, Hazlett said, could be connected to a septic tank, which only needs to be pumped about every three years because it treats water and releases it into the ground.

Hazlett acknowledged that connecting to a septic tank will involve up-front costs but the requirement to only pump every three years will lead to long-term savings. Assistant Borough Manager Gail Marthers said grants or low-interest loans are available to help cover costs.

Marthers said residents often complain that their holding tank fills too quickly. She shares water-saving tips such as taking shorter showers or turning the water off while brushing teeth.

"If you have three children and want to take 20-minute showers everyday, it just doesn’t work," she said.

Marthers and Hazlett said complaints often come from new homeowners unaware of a holding tank’s limitations.

"I think it is fair to say the real estate process lets people down," Hazlett said.

Hazlett said the borough staff are eager to help property owners find alternatives to holding tanks.

"To be quite frank about it, we will roll out the red carpet for you," he said.

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