(3/4) Fort Ritchie Community Center thanks the community for its overwhelming support of the 2nd Annual Last Chance Bonanza! The event took place Saturday, February 23, 2013 in the gymnasium at Fort Ritchie Community Center with almost 300 people in attendance.

Guests enjoyed a variety of drawings and games, a live and silent auction, dinner provided by GT’s, and dancing until midnight. There were many winners during the evening, but the biggest payout went to Mary Bowers, with the $500.00 Last Chance ticket. Bev Coyle, FRCC Public Relations Manager and event organizer said, "We are so grateful to have members of the community
volunteer for and participate in this event. It was a wonderful, fun night and a successful fundraiser."
Many areas business donated items and supported the bonanza through table sponsorships including McLaughlin’s Heating Oils, Specialty Granules, Inc., GT’s, Mainline Hobby, H&R Block-Vicki Sanders, Rolling Mill Restaurant, One Mountain Foundation, Rocky’s New York Pizza, Gilland’s Memorials, Mountain Gate Restaurant, Cavetown Ace Home Center, Cavetown Planing Mill, Sanders’
Market, FRCC Fierce Cheer Team, and American Legion Ladies Auxiliary-Cascade Post 239. Special thoughts and thanks go to the entire Coyle family who volunteered for the event despite the loss of their beloved brother the day before.
Funds raised benefit the Fort Ritchie Community Center and its programming and mission. FRCC provides technology access to underserved area youth, free community holiday parties, low-cost access to fitness and health services, senior-specific programming, an eight week education-based summer camp, arts and cultural events, and much more. Find more at www.TheFRCC.org.
Fort Ritchie Community Center is a non-profit organization with a mission to create and provide healthy lifestyle and leisure activities, foster community traditions, and promote cultural development through the arts, education, sports, technology, and natural resources to enhance the quality of life for area residents.