Father John J. Lombardi
"God is never loved
accoutering to His worthy by any creatures. And
to the enlightened reason this is a great
delight and satisfaction: that it's God and its
Beloved is so high and so rich that He
transcends all created powers and can be loved
according to His merits by none save Himself."
Bl Jan van Ruysbroeck
Did you know the Holy
Bible speaks of God-metaphorically-as having
eyes? ( cf. 2 Chr. 16:9), a mouth? (Dt. 8:3),
and hands (Ezr 7:9)? Did you realize we should
both fear God (Dt 6:13) as well as thirst for
Him (Ps 42:2)? Did you know Bible writers like
to ascribe physical actions to God such as
walking (Gen 3:8); shooting arrows (2Sm 22:15)?,
and sleeping (Ps 44:23)? Did you know God has
"Trinitarian traces of feeling"-- that He
somehow experiences grief because of sin (the
Father in Gn 6:6; the Son in Lk. 19:41ff, and
the Holy Spirit in Eph 4:30)?
Better yet: Could you
ever explain-or, at least, try to explain---God
as Three Divine Persons and yet essentially One?
Or how God incarnated and became a Man? Or: God
being born from a woman-Virgin?
On this Trinity Sunday,
celebrating the ultimate mystery of our
Faith-God-as-He-Is-in-Himself-let us thank God,
like St Augustine suggests, that we worship Him
precisely because He is mystery and that if we
ever thought we understood God, we would not be
worshipping God, but an idol.
Do you really know God?
Do you try?
Perhaps you may say, or
think: "I know how to love my neighbor, I know
how to love my friends, but. Do I
know how to love God?" People have always been
good at loving other human beings, and these
last few decades every church and school has
emphasized reaching out lovingly to the poor,
sick and dying. This is all well and
good-indeed, necessary ("faith without works is
dead"-Jas. 2:17 ). However, when was the last
time you heard a sermon or talk on loving God-
actually knowing more about Him, ways of praying
to Him, and honoring His many attributes? And
yet love of God is the First Commandment!
Catholics have a rich tradition of meditating
upon God and His Divine attributes-though often
untapped-based upon the Holy Bible and Sacred
Tradition of two-thousand years of spiritual
history. These ways and helps of meditating upon
God (the Ultimate Reality) are helpful,
inspiring and especially needed today. Some of
these ways have existed for two millennia, and
yet "We're not getting the word out!" Can you
think of anything better, more important to
think about and dwell upon-than God? Following,
below, are some meditations for you and your
soul life, based upon "Fundamentals of Catholic
Dogma," by, L. Ott; and: "The Spiritual Life,"
by A. Tanquerey
Bible -"Ever since the
creation of the world, His (God's) invisible
attributes of eternal power and divinity have
been able to be understood and perceived in what
He has made" (Rm 1:20). "Blessed are the pure in
heart, for they shall see God" (Mt 5:8).
Each time you pray, offer this prayer with your
heart: "May I know Thee, O God, that I may love
Thee.". This may help us to love God
more because we know Him more.
Q. Why is meditating on
God Himself "lost" today?
A. For some there is a
possible tendency today to inordinately focus on
self (we may term this psychologism or
subjectivism); or on one's own holiness
(spiritualism), or upon other, secondary,
aspects of the Faith (intellectualism).
Modernism is the au courant philosophy which
encourages focusing upon man as endless subject,
while neglecting God and spirituality. Also,
today, there is an emphasis on action, doing and
productivity-to the detriment of the
contemplative life, and the holy leisure of
meditating upon God and supernatural realties ..
For this, and other reasons, the First
Commandment is Love of God, and should help us
eschew humanistic idols.
Q. Do Catholics really
emphasize worship of God? A. The "Catechism of
the Catholic Church" states official Church
doctrine: "The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity
is the central mystery of the Christian life and
Faith. It is the mystery of God Himself" (#234).
This dogma points us to God Himself and embodies
the First Commandment-worship of Him. The lost
practice of meditating on God Himself and His
attributes- so stressed in the past- is now much
forgotten and little taught. But remember: this
is an excellent way to stimulate your soul. For,
St Augustine said: "Our souls are ever restless
until they rest in thee, O God."
Q. What do Catholics
teach on learning more about God?
A. We teach the
distinction between God-as-He-Is-in-Himself and
ways that lead to Him. Teachings about God,
names of Him and dogmas in Religion, are not
God-as He-Is- in Himself, they are "pointers to
Him". These necessary "mental bridges" help us
humans understand Him better, but can never
reach or totally define Him. Read the following
statement from "The Catechism of the Catholic
Church," slowly and meditatively (perhaps it
will take years to understand it): "We do not
believe in formulas but in those realties they
express, which faith allows us to touch. 'The
believer's act of faith does not terminate in
the propositions, but in the realities which
they express' (St Thomas). All the same we do
approach these realties with the help of
formulations. to assimilate and live on it
more and more" ( # 170). Thus: Catholics form a
radical middle between the skeptical nihilist
who denies the possibility of knowing truth
whatsoever, and the fundamentalist who thinks he
knows God perfectly and literally, thus denying
His mystery and transcendence. Catholics
emphasize both mystery and positive knowledge.
Q. How have some persons
lost the practice of Love of God? A. Catholics
are not regularly taught the practice, value and
need of meditation. Meditation, as a sacred
discipline, is an assimilation within, of
thoughts about God: which are orthodox (true),
safe (proven by the saints) , and spiritual
(linking us with God Himself, "soul to Spirit").
While pilgrimaging thru this world we need to
prepare our souls and senses, here and now, for
the Beatific Vision--which will be fully
revealed later-"We see as in a mirror darkly,
but then we shall see face to face" (ICor
13:12). Meditation, then, in a sense, is a
mystical foretaste of Heaven while on Earth-an
interior practice partaking in divine realities.
Do you want to forego and ignore this?
Q. What are these
"attributes" Catholics think about? A.
Attributes-which seem many and diverse to us,
are not a multiplicity in God (which would be
contrary His Divine simplicity), but are various
"qualities" and "perfections" and ways for us to
approach His splendor and transcendence. These
attributes are human attempts of limited ideas
attempting to define God, which are, in fact
united and whole within Him-they point us to His
Divine Essence (God-in-Himself),but can never
"capture" God fully. Like trying to describe the
quality of "green' in a plant to a blind person,
we can begin but surely fall far short in our
attempt. Elusive is reality in its inner
recesses-we can never totally capture it.
Whatever we can know or say about God is always
surpassed by what we don't know, or can say
about Him.
Q Can you list some
attributes? A. Perfection: "Be ye perfect as
your Father in Heaven is perfect" (Mt 5:48). God
contains in Himself all perfections which we see
on this earthly plane. Perfection is that which
is free from defect. St John of Damascus
teaches: "The Divine Essence is perfect, is in
no way deficient in goodness, in wisdom and in
power, It is without beginning and end, eternal,
boundless-absolutely perfect.".
+(Meditation): How can you think about God's
perfect-ness more in your prayer time? How can
you become perfect (yes that's a Bible
command-Mt 5:48 ) in your moral, spiritual,
marital, professional life, and thereby imitate
God? What do you need to perfect in your life to
imitate God more?
- Infinity: "That is
infinite which has no end, no bound. As God
does not originate from any other being, and
as He is in no way composed of parts, there
exists in Him no basis for limitation of His
Being as for us. +You are finite, even
your thoughts, and the current one about
infinity, included. God is boundless-you can
never "net Him" with a thought or spiritual
concept. Therefore, instead of pride or
frustration, praise and honor Him, a Being Who
is so unlike the rest of us mortals! "Stretch
your mind" by meditation and
contemplation-allowing God to dwell within,
and overtake, you and your finiteness: "Let
this mind be in you which was also in Jesus
Christ. " (Phil 2:5)
- Simplicity: Simple is
that which is without parts, not divisible.
God is a pure spirit: the immateriality of God
is implied by His pure actuality: i.e., there
is no growing in God as for humans. He is
"pure act" and has no composition, parts, and
is not dependent, as we are, on anything or
anyone; He has no origin. +Trust in Him
more after realizing more deeply how much you
need Him--He gave you your very being and
life. Simplify your own life of possessions
and collections-esp the ones in your head and
- Unicity: "Hear, O
Lord, the Lord God is Lord alone" (Dt 6:4).
God's Oneness helps us know there is but one
God, and thereby defend against polytheism
(many gods) and gnosticism (which posits many
eternal sources of life) . God is both
transcendent (way high above us) and immanent
(within us when in a state of grace)-Catholic
Christianity preserves this important
distinction while avoiding the opposite
extremes which culminate in heresies and even
death of our souls and spiritual lives.
+Though a Trinity, God is a Unity: this should
provide endless infatuating spiritual
adulation-an entrancing mystification.
Spiritually plunge into His divine
Essence-fathomless and alluring, like no other
person-thru focusing on how the three Divine
Persons are intimate and yet distinct--and
become more integrated in your own words and
- Truth and Veracity:
God is ipsum esse subsitens ("subsistent
being")-He needs no other being, like humans,
"to be," to have existence. God is both Being
and Truth. Every created thing is a
realization of a divine Idea. God is the
origin of moral, logical and ontological
truth; and He possesses an infinite power of
cognition-God knows all created things in
their origin, in one, successionless act of
love and knowledge . In God the subject ( God
as thinker), and the object of cognition (that
which is thought), and the act of cognition
(the process of thinking), are all identical
and "instantaneous," while for humans, they
are belabored and sequential, and not
unified). We have to "think thru things," "use
brain power" and concepts to arrive at truth,
whereas God does not learn "more truth" as we
do, nor does He activate thinking steps, or
need concepts ("mental bridges") to arrive at
truth: He knows everything all at once-- He is
not "learning on the job" as we are. We humans
discover, God knows--real-izes. +Is my
thinking process stimulated by God, the Bible,
the Sacred Tradition of my Church-am I feeding
my mind and brain with good, "holy food"? Am I
lying with my thoughts or words in life?-How
can I be more truthful-like God?
- Goodness: "None is
good but God alone" (Lk 18:19). Something is
good in itself if it perfect according to its
nature. The absolute goodness of God is
the basis of His Infinite Bliss.God is
substantial goodness and communicates His
goodness to His creatures. Moral
goodness: He is holy ( kadosh), exempted from
profanity; this expresses God's sublimity over
worldliness and over all sinfulness.
Thus there is a tremendous distance between
the holiness of God and sinfulness of man.
+I cannot be good myself--I can only
participate in God's goodness. Therefore: how
can I become more one with Him?-thru prayer,
love of God and neighbor?
- Absolute benignity:
He bestows upon creatures countless blessings
and gifts of the supernatural order.
+Count three blessings each day God has given
you. Beauty: God unites in himself, in
the most perfect manner, the three "requisites
of the beautiful" (acc. to St Thomas Aquinas
): integritas: absolutely perfect; consonance:
infinite being and simplicity are perfectly
harmonized; claritas : brightness of Being.
+How can you, like Moses, ( Ex. 33:18ff: ""I
will let my beauty pass before you") seek and
love God's beauty and Presence? What darkness
can God help you to enlighten?
- Immutability-exempts
all change from God-"With Whom there is no
change or shadow of alteration" (Jas 1:17) .
This is based on His pure actuality (he has no
need of growth, he has no potentiality. When
God creates outside himself He does not effect
a new act in an unfolding, linear pattern, but
rather He manifests a new realization of the
eternal resolve of His divine will.
+While your friends, family members and
co-workers, unfortunately "change their
tunes," thank God for not changing His "tune"
or Himself-ever!. St Theresa said: "All
things are passing, God alone is changeless".
How can you directly rely on Him more-for
everything?-Immensity of God: spacelessness
connotes the negation of spatial limitation as
w/ humans. The Fathers call God
incomprehensible, uncircumscribed,
immeasurable "He encompasses everything while
He alone cannot be encompassed" (-Pastor
Hermae). +God is pure Spirit and without
length, height or breadth
- Omnipresence:
He is everywhere-present in created space.
"God is not far from us, for in Him we live
and move and have our being" (Acts 17:27).
+Bound-less and in-finite, the Lord is
all-pervasive, are you letting Him into your
little heart and soul?...And, so, now,
consider the following:
"Trinitarian Tips":
"Trinitarian Traces": St
Augustine said there are signs of the Trinity in
creation-within humans: Our minds, thoughts and
love are like a trinity of diverse activities,
all unified and one. A human family is
made up of Father and Mother and the offspring
of this union, a child. A clover leaf is
three parts and yet unified by one stem.
Talking to the Trinity:
speak regularly to All Three Persons, as in this
Prayer (can be sung to tune of "Adoro Te
Devote"): Father God of all mankind, You are
strong and wise. Creator of Heaven and Earth,
beauty for the eyes. You gave us a covenant,
urging us to love, help us all like Adam,
seeking grace above. Jesus Jesus, You are
Lord, You are my God. Jesus Christ my heart's
desire, for You I long. You came down from
Heaven to earth, to save the lost, I bow before
You, in this wondrous love. Holy Spirit,
Breath of God, Everlasting Flame . You breathe
in divinity, quickening the soul. Comforter and
advocate, be my holy Love, melt away all life's
fears, as the Wondrous Dove: Amen." Talk to
God-the-Trinity on a regular, loving basis.
Praise, honor and worship God the Father for His
power; the Son for His Sacrifice; and the Spirit
for His Love. ..
Make the sign of the
Cross: Catholics do this regularly -or, at least
they, should. It is a reminder not only of the
Incarnation-Jesus' enfleshment and His death
(the cross), but also a "signal of
transcendence"-of God. So do it with
mindfulness. Some persons like to kiss their
hand or fingers after the Sign of the Cross to
show a sign of affection for Jesus and the
The Mass is the perfect
expression of the trinity-the prayer of Jesus
Himself to the Father in the Holy Spirit-attend
much, pray deeply.
Trinitarian Terms:
Godhead: God-as-He-Is-in-Himself-seek Him
sheerly for His Is-ness and existence, and not
only for anything He does for you-He existed
long before we came along. Economic
Trinity: God as He acts in the world. God is the
Father-Creator; the Son Redeemer; the Holy
Spirit Sanctifier-relate to Him in all these
various ways as He acts in the world.
Perichoresis is the mutual indwelling of the
Three Divine Persons with and in each other:
Though triune He is unified; though diverse He
is elegantly and divine simple-place your soul,
like the Virgin Mary, within His Divine Intimacy
of relations and become holy and healed
Prayer: Give your soul
to Him, Trinitarian Love. Give generous time and
loving effort to God, become less so He gives
you more, thru consistent meditation and deeper
prayer-daily! Prayer of Blessed Elizabeth of the
Trinity: "O my God, Trinity Whom I adore, help
me to forget myself entirely so to establish
myself in You. bring me more deeply into
Your mystery! Grant my soul peace! Make it Your
Heaven, Your beloved dwelling and the place of
Your rest."
Briefly Noted
Scripture Readings: Dt.
4:32-34; Rm 8:14-17; Mt. 28:16-20 Fix in your
heart that The Blessed Trinity is Lord and that
we owe Him our lives. How will you honor both
your earthly father and heavenly Father-by
respect to authorities; due honor and service
them and others?...God helps us to go to God,
and call Him our "Daddy/Abba"-Do you have an
intimate relationship with God?. Jesus
calls us in to Go Forth into the world. As
Catholics we are called to reveal God's
identity-His Three-in-Oneness, to others. This
is neither optional nor a luxury, but a
God and religion: This
just in--HR bill # 235, sponsored by Rep. Walter
Jones, R-NC; would take churches out of all risk
of loosing their 501 C-3 IRS status for speaking
up on behalf of belief in God's ways from
churches across America. Pray for and support
your God-fearing legislators!
Priest in Piano Concert:
Fr Paul Maillet will perform classical music at
St Mary's Church, Govans/Balt., as a fundraiser
for the suffering Steve Becker, who has a rare
bone disease and is a quadriplegic: July 10,